Chairman Letter


Kate Miller

Welcome to Great Lakes Electric Meter School! My name is Kate Miller and I have the honor and privilege of being your steering committee chair for the 2024 and 2025 GLEMS school years.

GLEMS is organized by a steering committee, who are a volunteer group of utility and industry professionals with diverse backgrounds, all united by a common goal of providing a high-quality education experience. The committee works year-round to make the school a success frequently carving out personal time to ensure the student experience at GLEMS is top notch. Thank you for your service, contributions, expertise and most importantly dedication that you bring each year to the school!

I also would like to thank our students and vendors, without you GLEMS would not be possible. Thank you for providing and supporting this valuable learning and networking opportunity within our industry.

If you are perspective student, I hope you join us for this school year as we engage in classroom and hands on learning in a lab setting. There are several learning tracks to choose from with options for new and experienced industry professionals.

If you are a new vendor, please join to support the school’s mission of providing educational training within our industry. This is a great way to interact with students to get your organization’s name and products in front of them.

I look forward to connecting with many of you in the upcoming school year.